Friday, May 28, 2010

Lost Cities

A couple things came to my attention this week regarding the health of churches in our cities. First, on Monday the New York Times published an article on the struggling churches of Harlem. As older residents die or move to Florida in retirement many of the historic black churches in Harlem are struggling to stay open. The newer residents who are moving in are younger and different.The same thing is happening in cities all over the USA and indeed, the world. The dual challenge of globalization and urbanization are two of the great challenges and opportunities the 21st century church faces. The challenge is not just in North America. This leads me to the second thing that brought this challenge to my mind this week. Ed Stetzer a former colleague, sent out a tweet this week stating that only 1% of the population of Paris (France) are evangelicals. It reminded me that people in great urban centers around the world need to know Jesus. The North American Mission Board Strategic Focus Cities is a good start. We must do more to plant and re-plant churches in these great urban areas. We can give. We can go. We must pray. What else can we do to reach these cities? What are your ideas? Let the conversation begin.

RIP: Art Linkletter, CBS radio & TV personality died this week at age 97. I met Mr. Linkletter, 8-9 years ago at a community wide prayer breakfast. He was a complete Christian gentleman and gave a great speech on the power of prayer. I know I'll show my age with this but Mr. Linkletter you were right: Kid's Say the Darndest Things.

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