Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do you serve in a Christendom or Missional Church?

For the past few months I have had the privilege to serve with a group of people charged with the responsibility for strategic planning for a regional group of churches. It is challenging task but one wrought with God-sized opportunities. Their ministry area is projected to grow from 625k to over 1.1 million by the year 2030. One of the key issues our group wrestled with was the current state of our churches. We recognized that many churches are still mired in practices of yesteryear and are unable to seize opportunities for ministry in today's world. They are Christendom churches. We also recognized that many churches today ar Missional churches. Some were planted that way in recent years, some transitioned from a Christendom culture to missional mode. What are the differences between Christendom and Missional churches? What kind of church do you serve? Here are a few differences that can help you discover what kind of church you serve:

Christendom Churches: focus on maintaining the institution; Missional: focus on transforming lives.

Christendom churches: make a long-term commitment to the church; Missional: have a new found commitment to Jesus Christ.

Christendom churches: manage through committees and position holders; Missional churches deploy members into missions and ministries.

Christendom churches make decisions (usually for someone else to implement!); Missional churches make disciples of Jesus.

Christendom churches emphasize members training; Missional churches emphasize lifetime learning & growing in grace.

Christendom churches focus on raising money; Missional churches focus on raising people.

Christendom churches discuss internal needs; Missional churches address the unchurched in the community.

Christendom churches have an information-oriented faith; Missional churches have an experience-oriented faith.

Christendom churches are concerned with perpetuating a heritage; Missional churches are concerned with looking toward the future.

Christendom churches talk about church work; Missional churches talk about fulfillment, mission & ministry.

Where did you come out? Do you serve in a Christendom or Missional context.

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