Friday, December 4, 2009

Books I re-read every year

Some books deserve to be read only once. Some are used for reference, and skimmed. Yet there are books that deserve to be read and re-read regularly. This year I plan to re-read six books, five I have re-read every year for the last several and a new one I plan on re-reading. Here are the six book I will read again in 2010:

Toward an Exegetical Theology by Walter Kaiser.

I first read this book in seminary have used it for years in my preparation to preach and teach God's Word. When I re-read this book it's like when I take my car in for a 30,000 mile check-up. Every time I read it I feel as if I am being re-tooled for rightly dividing the Word.

Good to Great by Jim Collins.

I believe this is the greatest business book of all time and has much to say to the church of Jesus Christ. If you want your church to go to the next level I can't recommend this book highly enough.

The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren

The farther we go into the 21st century and away from a program driven church this book is foundational for ministry in the future. It was simple before simple was cool. It can help you transition to a process focused ministry and away from a program based ministry.

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

Ok I confess to being an Anglophile and a lover of C S Lewis in particular. I've read and re-read this since my college days. It's like visiting an old friend you haven't seen for a while and then picking up just where we left off. A classic devotional and apologetic for good reason. The last page is worth the price of the book. It begins, "Nothing that has not died can ever be resurrected...' Great advice for these and every day.

Modern Times by Paul Johnson

An incisive analysis of the 20th century by a prominent historian. It's theme: the struggle for freedom against the forces of totalitarianism and the state. A ready reminder for our world today.

The Reason for God by Tim Keller

A great book by a leading pastor that helps Christians reclaim the intellectual high ground for a Christ-centered conversation with our culture. His book, The Prodigal God is also bless and challenge you.

Well, here's my list. Now I'm ready to get started sharpening my saw!

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