Monday, November 9, 2009

'They ran to the sound of the guns'

So said General Casey, US Army Chief of Staff describing the response of many of our men and women in uniform during the tragic event at Ft. Hood, Texas last Thursday. What an amazing statement. When I heard him say that on Fox News last Friday my reaction was immediate: my throat coked with emotion, my chest swelled with pride and my heart broke for the victims all over again.
Then I had a thought......"They ran to the sound of the guns." Our service men and women do it every single day in Iraq, Afghanistan and on Thursday last, Ft. Hood. Police officers, fire fighters, and nurses so it every day. Those who "run to the sounds of the guns" deserve our thanks, prayers and support.
Christians in the early church "ran to the sound of the guns." They took into their homes those who were homeless.....sick.....dying.....deserted and disaffected. The words hospital and hospitality derived from what these early Christians did.
They understood life and ministry is messy. Too many times today it is too easy to turn away or let another do it.
The next time you have an opportunity to help someone hurting, someone in trouble or whose life is a mess, what will you do?
It's your choice.
"Run to the sounds of the guns."

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