Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can you Change your Church DNA?

In the last 48 hours I heard another report of a pastor forced to resign his church. As far as I know it was not a moral, ethical or doctrinal issue. Why then was this Bible-believing, Bible preaching pastor forced to resign after just four years?

He tried to change the DNA of a 100 year old, county seat First Baptist Church. Now anybody that knows me knows I am not against change. I believe in the maxim: 'Innovate, reinvigorate or stagnate.' But I also believe you can't change the DNA of your church. We all have DNA that is unique to us....it's how God made us. I love to golf but as hard as I try I'll never be Tiger. He has his DNA and I have mine. Some of the best advice I ever recieved was as a pastor in a rural middle Tennessee church and went to an early 'Purpose-Driven Church' conference. At the end of the conference Rick Warren said, "If you pastor an established church: Don't try this at home!"

It was and still is great advice. Most of us aren't innovators anyway. Be a reinvigorator. Reinvigorate your Sunday School (especially if your church is over 100) instead of focusing on small groups. You need to focus on one or the other but your church DNA ultimately makes the decision.

Some choices we make. Some are made for us. If we break it, we own it.


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