Sunday, September 30, 2012

Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome to my blog, Noble Leadership in the Age of Celebrity. I am passionate about the Church and those who serve and lead them. But more important, I am passionate about the Lord of the Church: Jesus Christ. I serve as the founder and Chief Equipping Officer (CEO) of Noble Leadership Ministries, one of the first leadership-on-demand service ministries in North America. We provide leadership services to churches, associations and denominational organizations.

This is my personal blog, where I write about leadership, equipping for ministry and the interaction between Christianity and culture. People who know me will tell you that I also love politics. But as much as I do love to talk about politics, I love the Gospel much, much more. So we don’t do politics here. My life verse, Isaiah 32:8 says: ‘a noble person plans noble things; he stands up for noble causes.’ (HCSB)  If you are a pastor, church planter, Bible study leader or a Christian serving faithfully in the workplace you are engaged in a noble enterprise.

My goal is to post three times a week.

About Me

I’m just a regular guy who’s been incredibly blessed in my life. During the last thirty years I have served as a church planter, pastor, large church staff member, denominational consultant and now as a leader of a ministry I am passionate about.

I attended Baylor University, The University of Texas at Dallas (B.A.), The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and Fuller Theological Seminary (D. Min.).

My wife and I have been married for thirty-one years. We have two sons and live in Denton County, Texas. My family and I are members of First Baptist Church, Lewisville, Texas where I have led adult Bible studies and served on the Children’s Ministry Leadership team.

In my free time I enjoy reading, writing and working our family ranch in the Texas Hill Country. Just so you know I believe that Lonesome Dove is the great American novel.

My contact information

You can contact me via e-mail, or follow me on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. Let me encourage you to comment on my blog posts and though I am unable to respond to every comment, I pledge to be a part of the conversation.

Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn: just search for me with: MichaelGTucker, and we should be able to connect.

This is my personal blog. The opinions I express here do not necessarily represent of those on the leadership team or supporters of Noble Leadership Ministries LLC or the Vision 2030 Network. The information I provide is on an as-is basis. I make no representation as to accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this blog and will not be liable for any errors, omissions or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its use.